Build an AI-Powered Technical Analysis Stock Dashboard in Python with Streamlit and Ollama
A concept for using AI Vision Models to read Technical Analysis Stock Charts
This tutorial walks you through creating a financial dashboard that uses AI to interpret stock charts with technical analysis. Combining tools like Meta's Llama 3.2-Vision, Ollama, and Python libraries like yfinance and Plotly, it’s a hands-on example of how AI can elevate data-driven insights.
This code is nowhere near rigorous, but is about the art of the possible -- it is up to you as the data scientist, machine learning engineer, or financial analyst to customize a workflow based on your own financial theories and perspectives.
Full code below the video.
Important Note: This video is not financial or investing advice. It is an educational tutorial on how to use AI/LLM vision models in Python. Also, don't blindly trust the results of LLM model results without critical thinking or subject matter expertise 🧠. LLM's are still experimental technology that have high error rates.
## NOTE: Set yfinance to the following version to get chart working: "pip install yfinance==0.2.40"
import streamlit as st
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import ollama
import tempfile
import base64
import os
# Set up Streamlit app
st.title("AI-Powered Technical Stock Analysis Dashboard")
# Input for stock ticker and date range
ticker = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter Stock Ticker (e.g., AAPL):", "AAPL")
start_date = st.sidebar.date_input("Start Date", value=pd.to_datetime("2023-01-01"))
end_date = st.sidebar.date_input("End Date", value=pd.to_datetime("2024-12-14"))
# Fetch stock data
if st.sidebar.button("Fetch Data"):
st.session_state["stock_data"] =, start=start_date, end=end_date)
st.success("Stock data loaded successfully!")
# Check if data is available
if "stock_data" in st.session_state:
data = st.session_state["stock_data"]
# Plot candlestick chart
fig = go.Figure(data=[
name="Candlestick" # Replace "trace 0" with "Candlestick"
# Sidebar: Select technical indicators
st.sidebar.subheader("Technical Indicators")
indicators = st.sidebar.multiselect(
"Select Indicators:",
["20-Day SMA", "20-Day EMA", "20-Day Bollinger Bands", "VWAP"],
default=["20-Day SMA"]
# Helper function to add indicators to the chart
def add_indicator(indicator):
if indicator == "20-Day SMA":
sma = data['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=data.index, y=sma, mode='lines', name='SMA (20)'))
elif indicator == "20-Day EMA":
ema = data['Close'].ewm(span=20).mean()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=data.index, y=ema, mode='lines', name='EMA (20)'))
elif indicator == "20-Day Bollinger Bands":
sma = data['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean()
std = data['Close'].rolling(window=20).std()
bb_upper = sma + 2 * std
bb_lower = sma - 2 * std
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=data.index, y=bb_upper, mode='lines', name='BB Upper'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=data.index, y=bb_lower, mode='lines', name='BB Lower'))
elif indicator == "VWAP":
data['VWAP'] = (data['Close'] * data['Volume']).cumsum() / data['Volume'].cumsum()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=data.index, y=data['VWAP'], mode='lines', name='VWAP'))
# Add selected indicators to the chart
for indicator in indicators:
# Analyze chart with LLaMA 3.2 Vision
st.subheader("AI-Powered Analysis")
if st.button("Run AI Analysis"):
with st.spinner("Analyzing the chart, please wait..."):
# Save chart as a temporary image
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png", delete=False) as tmpfile:
tmpfile_path =
# Read image and encode to Base64
with open(tmpfile_path, "rb") as image_file:
image_data = base64.b64encode('utf-8')
# Prepare AI analysis request
messages = [{
'role': 'user',
'content': """You are a Stock Trader specializing in Technical Analysis at a top financial institution.
Analyze the stock chart's technical indicators and provide a buy/hold/sell recommendation.
Base your recommendation only on the candlestick chart and the displayed technical indicators.
First, provide the recommendation, then, provide your detailed reasoning.
'images': [image_data]
response ='llama3.2-vision', messages=messages)
# Display AI analysis result
st.write("**AI Analysis Results:**")
# Clean up temporary file
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Graph is not visible
What data it uses from ollama?